Monday, July 28, 2014

Exit Exams

In order to graduate, I have to take 2 "Exit Exams".  One is the General Education test, and the other is a Major Field Test (MFT) - a test for each major. These tests get submitted to some government or private or something to determine how much grant money the University gets and my college gets.  

Notice above I said "take".  The score you make does not affect your GPA or ability to graduate.  I could get a 0 (yes, ZERO) on both and they would still let me graduate!  (Yes, I thought about it)

So let me get this straight: the University gets money based on my score, but I have absolutely ZERO motivation to score well?!?!  Yeah ok.  

I go into this test thinking I'm going to get some reading questions, some basic math, english, history, etc. You know, that stuff I slaved for a couple years on pointless high school repeat classes to learn?!  What was the test?  35 logic questions.  

Example (Source here):
a. If there are no dancers that aren’t slim and no singers that aren’t dancers, then which statements are always true?
  1. There is not one slim person that isn't a dancer
  2. All singers are slim
  3. Anybody slim is also a singer
  4. None of the above

I wish I was kidding.  I'm just going to let the irony sink in for a second.  




A logic test that is classified as a General Education test that earns the University money based on scores, but offers ZERO motivation to do well.


Hopefully the MFT I take for my major will be more interesting.  

Until next time, 


Since I didn't blog for the majority of the Spring Semester, I'll give you a rundown:

  • Calc 3: Failed.  3D math taught by professor who couldn't speak English, read from the book and wouldn't answer questions.  yay
  • All other classes: passed.  

That's about it.

Until next time,