Saturday, December 14, 2013

If you have to cheat in a Sophmore level Lit class.....

Tee hee.  So yesterday my lit class gets this e-mail (I took out the names...):

"Gentlemen, Mr. J's 2nd paper is Mr. C's with only minor changes. Mr. J has committed Academic Misconduct by plagiarizing, and Mr. C has facilitated Academic Misconduct by making his paper available for Mr. J's use. Both of you will fail the course and, per MTSU Policy, be referred for Academic Misconduct to the Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs. "

OK I'm sorry, but it's a 2000 level class.  And the paper only had to be 1200 words (about 2 pages DOUBLE SPACED). And the paper was on Sherlock Holmes.  I mean really now people.  I completed the paper in 2 hours.  The night before it was due.  And got a 95.  It's not like it was about the book Contact (no offense to anyone who actually liked that book - maybe I will if I read it un-begrudgingly, but I digress).

I'm going to save this little e-mail gem as a reminder that there are Professors who still care about academic honesty, and that cheating is still punishable.  And it's always nice to see justice.  We all *know* it happens, but seeing is believing.  

And if you have to cheat on a 2 page paper, what's going to happen in a senior level class when you have to write 10 pages...3 1 semester.  :o

Until next time,


You've probably heard me talk about the Computer Science class I failed last semester.  Post about it here (will open in new window).  So I retook it this semester.  Worked my little rear off.  And I got an A!!! :D WHOOP DI WHOOP.

Pardon me while I go celebrate.  

Until next time,

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Faith in education: partially restored.

I have managed to find a group of people employed by the university who actually care about its students: the bus drivers.  I take the bus quite a bit from my parking space in Eden (see a previous rant) and all of the bus drivers are super kind and nice to students.  There was only one exception (she tried to run over students and yelled at them) and she lasted less than a semester.  

They always say hello, and tell you to have nice day.  And this week, when I was traveling to a final, along the bus route we came across two students (in different spots) hurrying to their destination.  They were not even close to bus stops, but the bus driver stopped and let them on.  (It's University policy that the bus only stops at established bus stops).  Did it take more time to get me somewhere?  Yea, about 30 seconds total.  If 30 seconds was going to save me from missing something, I didn't plan well enough to begin with.  It may have been more work for the bus driver, or an "inconvenience" to me, but I know for a fact, it made a HUGE difference for those two students, who made it to the library 5-10 minutes sooner.  I know that makes a difference.  

So bravo bus drivers, we love you bunches.  

Until next time,

What is with the never-ending semester?

In my sleep-deprived brain, the semester should have ended 2 weeks ago.  I'm so over all of it.  16 hours was a mistake.  The constant go go go.  Trying to keep up with assignments and due dates.  I'm currently supposed to be studying for finals.  ::sigh:: I just don't care.  And I hate that.  I cared at the beginning of the semester, and that didn't really get me anywhere.  If not caring has the same result as caring, why bother?  

I only have 1 paper and 2 exams and I'm done.  Blah.

Until next time,